Friday, July 17, 2009

The elusive extraionous character

Turning off Smart Quotes.

Having a content team that knows what to look for and when to look for it.

Standards - the only problem with them, everyone has their own.

Friday, June 19, 2009

versioning naming convention

Monday, June 15, 2009

Testing bandwidth

How fast should media download?
How fast should it stream?
Audio formats?
Video formats?

Bandwidth requirements?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

QA and Cali overtime law

Types of Non-Exempt Work

If you spend most of your time doing any combination of the following, you are entitled to overtime:

1. Analyzing, troubleshooting, and resolving complex problems with business applications, networking, and hardware.
2. Installing, configuring, or testing new computers, applications, networks or hardware based on user-defined requirements.
3. Creating or troubleshooting network accounts (logins) and other business application user accounts.

seems to me that any and all QA work by law gets overtime.

I guess a give away would be the number of lawyers out there looking to sue your employer for you, mostly so they can make a buck, it the law ;)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


If you run your VSS database on a NAS can this still be done? Answers to this and much more coming soon...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tool, Tools, Tools, Tools

What should I use; is Excel enough? Do I need Mercury? Right tools for the job? Nail gun verse hammer?

Don't trust anyone who says tool x is better than tool y with out knowing what your testing or scope is. Many QA tool companies will try to convince you that you need thier tool and that may not be the case.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

xUnit testing

Junit, Nunit, xUnit....So unit testing is importing. And the most important at the start of the development life cycle. Its no surprise to anyone in Test or QA that running testing scripts and having a test plane and unit tests ready for programmers and developers to review before coding begins is going to reduce bugs but how do you get your business to understand this?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Migration testing verses Code Testing

What it means to change produciton server location. New hardware same applications what should be updated. What applications get cut over first.

New hardware....

Same code base...

Sync content w/ test and prod

The cut over to a new data center